Research question
The core question(s) you aim to answer
The research question is the question(s) that your project aims to answer. Often singular, sometimes plural it addresses the issue, which, through analysis and interpretation of data, hopefully, will be answered in your conclusion.
The research question is at the core of your article as it clarifies the purpose of your research. Making sure you have established a well-developed research question will help you to stay focused. Moreover, with a clear research question presented in the introduction, the reader will understand immediately what your work is about, and can follow your thinking.
You will probably have already presented your research question when laying out the foundation for your project. Go back to that proposal and identify the parts that you will be addressing in your manuscript. This will remind you of the focus of your work and help you reflect on how this manuscript fits into the larger project.
Once you have clarified your goals, we have outlined the key steps to write the research question, and the criteria it should follow.
Download the poster to read the key steps and criteria your research question should follow.